Generally they like it on other people, but are afraid that if they cut their own hair short, they will not like it. I used to have very long hair for the longest time. I had never known what it was like to have short hair. I resented getting my hair cut because I wasn't sure I would like the change. I remember how I almost cried when I saw clumps of my hair fall to the floor. However, I now love my hair short! I have shoulder-length hair and I hate when it gets long! I am so glad I cut my hair short 3 years ago, and will probably never have long hair again. I guess it's just something that some people feel is a part of who they are. Especially people with insecurities who are unsure of their identity at that time in their life might be reluctant to try a shorter haircut. Hair takes such a long time to grow and it can be such a huge deal for people who have had long hair for most of their life. It just seems a bigger change for some people more than other people. Everyone's different.Why do girls with long hair never want to cut their hair short?
because it might be too much of a dramatic change for them going from very long to short can limit how you can style your hair but short hair has many more fashionable hair cuts in magazines and a larger range of how you can cut it where long is much more limited because of the weight of the hair. there are pros for both long and short but dont worry too much.
I have pretty long hair and i think that its just one you have long hair you cant picture yourself with short hair and are too scared to see it all go at once...and once you get it cut short...theres no going back it wld take years to get it long again...also people get accostomed to there long hair and its like their safe zone
first of all know that you are wonderfully and fearfully made by God, and he did not make mistakes while creating you because he had you in mind while at whatever ajustment anybody is making on his or her self is just on that persons own stress my dear, you are unique no matter what
With me it's because i went to cut it short and it was way to short because the chick ****** up.
So yeah they prolly like the way it looks or are too afraid to cut it :)
Well I have long hair, and I love it. If i cut my hair short, I wouldn't feel like me. I think I would look physically worse with short hair. Some people can pull it off though.
you can style long hair better
(I think) ^^
It's their security blanket!! Scared of change.
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